Let’s talk about it!

We need to stop feeling embarrassed

We need better products than diapers and sheets

As common as it is, bedwetting remains a taboo issue making it embarrassing to admit to or talk about. In some countries there is even a myth going around that bedwetting is a sign of psychopathy. You can understand why people don’t want to talk about it in the open. However, you should know that up to 20% of all 5-year-olds suffer from this, and 5% of 10-year-olds still suffer*. This is not only an issue for children though. It is estimated that 1% of all adults struggle with bedwetting as well*.

So, while bedwetting continues to be overlooked and quieted down, by addressing the issue and talking openly about it we might remove the shame of this topic.


There are various factors that can cause bedwetting, also known as nocturnal enuresis. Contrary to popular belief they aren’t psychological, but the consequences can be many on an emotional level: low self-esteem, stress, anxiety and psychological trauma.


  • Immature bladder
  • Lack of antidiuretic hormone, a hormone that slows down the urine production during the night
  • Constipation
  • High urine production
  • Sleep issues (sleep apnea combined with deep sleep)

Although these are the most common causes, it’s always a good idea to see a doctor to rule out other medical conditions.


  • Twice as many boys as girls are bedwetters
  • It can be hereditary
  • Most children outgrow the problem

A major concern for both the child and their parents is teasing and bullying. This, along with anxiety and shame, can have a huge impact on the child’s social life and happiness.

The child often avoids sleepovers and trips together with other children, or even adults, in the fear of others finding out. This leads to the child feeling isolated and excluded.

Let’s talk about it!

Talking about bedwetting is somewhat of a taboo subject and we want to change that. Bedwetting is a common issue that affects both children and adults, but we still don’t talk about it.

By talking about it we could remove some of the stigma and help people feel less vulnerable and alone. It should be common knowledge that bedwetting is something the individual can’t control and nothing they should feel embarrassed about.

It’s important that parents, and other adults, make sure that the child knows he/she has nothing to be ashamed of. It’s not the child’s fault. This is why we want to raise awareness about this topic and make sure that we as a society don’t shy away from this subject.

We at Pjama have many years of experience when it comes to the topic of bedwetting. The reason we created Pjama was to help children and adults be able to attend activities without having to worry. This is something we have a big passion for; to be able to help those that suffer from bedwetting as well as their families.

* According to The National Sleep Foundation and the Children’s Hospital of Boston